Love, Your Birth Mom

Kennedy/Marshall Documentaries
To be released 2026

Love, Your Birth Mom provides a lens into adoption from the untold perspective of its central figures: birth moms. The feature-length documentary serves as an intimate portrayal of being pregnant and questioning whether you have the support, resources, or ability to raise your child. A lot of attention is given to abortion access, but there is little discussion around the structural forces that have left some pregnant women questioning whether they’re able to raise their kids. This intimate, character-driven film provides a window into the experience of navigating an unplanned pregnancy through the lens of adoption and in doing so, addresses several cultural crises of our time: reproductive justice; class and racial disparity, entrenched gender roles; and historic ideas about who is fit to be a parent and who isn’t, particularly for single women.

New York State Judicial Institute

Judicial Considerations for Modern Adoption & Permanency
November 2024
White Plains, NY

Interactive three-hour presentation, including time for discussion for New York family and juvenile court judges, attorneys, and legal coordinators. Adoption Unfiltered co-authors Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard, Sara Easterly, and Lori Holden will explore outdated ideas that do not serve families or the adoptees in their care and identify ways to better protect children in private adoption situations without as much oversight.

Florida Adoption Conference

Keynote Speaker
Unfiltering Adoption: What Leading Agencies Need to Know
August 2024
Orlando, FL

Interactive three-hour presentation, including time for discussion for New York family and juvenile court judges, attorneys, and legal coordinators. Adoption Unfiltered co-authors Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard, Sara Easterly, and Lori Holden will explore outdated ideas that do not serve families or the adoptees in their care and identify ways to better protect children in private adoption situations without as much oversight.

Adoption Unfiltered

Rowman & Littlefield Publishing
Published December 2023

Adoption Unfiltered authors Sara Easterly (adoptee), Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard (birth parent), and Lori Holden (adoptive parent) interview dozens of adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, social workers, therapists, and other allies—all sharing candidly about the challenges in adoption. While finding common ground in the sometimes-contentious space of adoption may seem like a lofty goal, it reveals the authors’ optimistic aim: working together with truth and transparency to move toward healing.

Healing isn’t possible, though, without first uncovering the hurts—starting with adoption’s central players: adoptees, who are so often in pain, suffering from what the latest brain science validates as the long-term emotional effects of separation trauma. By encouraging others to vulnerably share their stories, the authors discover that adoptees aren’t the only ones in the adoption constellation who are hurting. Birth parents regularly shut down after being shut out by adoptive parents. Adoptive parents often struggle with unique parenting challenges and hidden insecurity, feeling the need to hide the fact that they are not the Super Parents they led the agency to believe they would be. Across the industry as a whole, misinformed and even unethical practices abound.

Adoption Unfiltered models the importance of adults in adoption working together in the spirit of curiosity and empathy—to better support adoptees and their first and adoptive families.

Adoption Advocate Publication

National Council for Adoption
Stepping Out of Adoption’s Shadow
November 2023

“The ever-increasing cost and unpredictability of private domestic adoption have recently garnered significant media attention. While responses from members of the adoption community have varied, many are relieved to see the issues finally being boldly addressed. Ethical quandaries over the role of money in private adoption are nothing new. Adoption professionals and child welfare policy experts have been grappling with this issue for decades. However, as the internet’s role in private domestic adoption has expanded, the number of private domestic adoptions has declined,[1] and the cost of adoption has increased,[2] many in the adoption community are urgently concerned about two specific issues: unlicensed adoption intermediaries (also called “adoption facilitators” or “adoption advertisers”) and online adoption advertising.”

National Adoption Conference

National Council for Adoption
The Continued Impact of Unregulated Domestic Infant Adoption
June 2023
St. Louis, MO

While the internet has expanded opportunities and reach for adoption professionals, it has also increased the risk of exploitation by unlicensed adoption providers. The prevalence of self-matching via social media also raises new challenges for adoption professionals when approached to “simply handle the paperwork”. In this presentation, we will address how adoption professionals can use technology to modernize services and collaborate with one another, without compromising ethical standards. We will discuss steps needed to protect our organizations from liability when working with adoption brokers and self-matches, as well as actions lawmakers and law enforcement should take to enforce existing laws and create new ones.

Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York Conference

Courageous Conversations to Lead the Way Toward True Openness
June 2023

Openness in adoption is about much more than contact between two sets of parents and opening access to birth records in all 50 states. It’s about the state of mind from which we form our adoption policies and practices, including an openness to others’ perspectives. Openness is needed in families formed through adoption, and it’s also important for those of us working toward adoption reform, where “reaching across the aisle” and working together is the path to true openness.

American Legislative Exchange Council State Legislator Conference

Domestic Adoption Policy Expert Panel
December 2022
Washington, D.C.

This panel featured six panelists to speak to state legislators on the current state of adoption and child welfare policy and make recommendations on how to fill gaps and mend the systems.

An overview of why separate representation for expectant mothers is best practice in adoption and how it should work including attorney qualifications, payment allocation and source of funds, scope of representation and third party payor agreements.

National Adoption Conference

Impact and Implications of National Advertising
September 2021

An exploration of the effects of the internet on private domestic adoption and the extensive digital advertising that is changing the landscape of this field. In this presentation we explain who opportunistic advertising harms, how it harms them, and what we can do about it.

Twisted Sisterhood Podcast

January 2020-Present

Twisted Sisterhood was the first ever podcast for birth moms, by birth moms. Hosted by Ashley Mitchell and Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard, this podcast saw the need for a safe, private, and welcoming space for birth moms to say, “Yeah, me too.” Welcoming birth moms and allies as guests, the show aims to acknowledge the multi-dimensional experiences of birth mothers in adoption.